Why Do Dogs Bite Each Other’s Ears?

Why Do Dogs Bite Each Other’s Ears

About the Author: Dr. Finlay Tayler (DVM), a Harvard veterinary graduate, brings his five years of diverse experience to MyPetDoggie. Passionate about all animals, and a proud dog owner, he balances full-time veterinary practice with contributing expert insights to our content. Dr. Tayler’s love for the outdoors, cycling, and love for dogs enrich his holistic perspective on dogs care.

Why Do dogs bite each other’s ears? Some dogs will bite when they “mean it”, which can be an indication of anxiety or a sign of pain. Others will bite out of play, like puppies trying to establish who gets to be the alpha dog for a day. And some dogs do it just for the fun of it! Understanding why dogs bite each other’s ears can help you identify the situation and prevent these behaviors from happening more often.

When your dog bites your ear, it’s important that you know the reasons why he might do it. A few reasons are:

  • Territorial marking.
  • Warn you of approaching danger or asserting dominance.
  • Dog bites your ear to indicate that you should stop.
  • Because he’s being affectionate.
  • They may be upset and wants to play.
  • Trying to communicate.
  • Just being playful.

You should also work on their training. Along with reading this article, make sure to take other measures so you can cope with this situation if it happens in the future.

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Why Do Dogs Bite Each Other’s Ears
Two dogs shows their love to each other

Why do dogs bite each other’s ears?

When one dog bites another’s ear, it’s a sign that that dog is being treated as the alpha dog in the pack. It’s a common assumption that ear bites are the result of affection. Yes, dogs may bite other dogs’ ears out of affection. But this does not always have to be the case. 

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Different emotions can trigger a dog to bite another’s ear. They can do it to show anger, affection, excitement, play, etc.

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If you suspect your dog may be biting you out of aggression, anxiety, or anxiety-related behavior, you should immediately seek professional counseling or medical attention to determine the cause of the issue.

Biting can be a sign of a lot of things, from jealousy to insecurity to aggression. Even if you think your dog bit you because he was trying to get your attention, it’s important to address the behavior and let the trainer or behaviorist know what you’re doing to prevent the behavior from happening again.

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Why do dogs bite each other when playing?

When dogs bite each other’s ears, they are usually doing so either just for play or to relieve stress. He is simply doing what feels natural to him. It is not really something to be concerned about. A dog can anyway be taught to stop it. You can offer them a  treat when they are obedient, so to encourage their positive behavior.

A dog who bites out of play or dominance can be stopped with sufficient effort, but he may be dangerous if left unchecked. If your dog bites out of play or dominance, he may just be showing that he’s happy. If he exhibits other typical dog behaviors such as growling, snapping, or lunging for the bite, it’s time to call a professional.

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Why dogs lick each others ears?

The purpose of licking an ear remains unclear. Some believe that licking an ear is a way for dogs to express affection toward their canine buddies. However, there is also evidence that suggests that licking an ear is a behavior that many dogs use to communicate.

Dog ear infections are very common, and they can be quite painful. The infection can be diagnosed by checking for a discharge from the dog’s ear. It should be noted that the discharge. While generally it’s not considered bad to let your dog lick their buddy’s ears, it’s best to be careful.

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Reasons behind dogs biting each other’s ears:

Now we will enlist a few reasons why a dog may be licking another dog’s ears:

  1. They want to play with other dogs.
  2. They want to create dominance.
  3. They just want to create affection.
  4. They are feeling fear and stress.
  5. They are trying to communicate with other dogs.
  6. They are in an aggressive mood.

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How to stop my Dogs from biting others’ ears?

They can be introduced to other dogs slowly and carefully, and they can be shown how to greet them appropriately. Be sure to let them know that they’re not supposed to bite. You can also try to limit their opportunities to bite or lick by supervising them closely when with other dogs. 

Keep in mind that training your dog doesn’t have to be done in a strict order. It’s fine to stick to positive reinforcement. What you can’t do is use punishment when you should be using positive reinforcement. This is particularly important if your dog is still young or if he has a habit of misbehaving.

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A professional trainer can help you identify your dog’s motivators and work with him or her to change undesirable behaviors. When working with a professional, you can rest assured that the dog trainer is working with the best interest of the dog at heart and will do everything within their power to prevent future biting from your dog.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it fine if dogs lick each others’ ears?

Some experts also believe that licking your dog’s ears has sentimental value and is a way for them to comfort each other as well as clean. But I recommend you to have an eye on them though it may be a way to clean the skin and protect from infections, it can also lead to an infection.

Is It a bad thing if my dog bites another dog’s ear?

It is important to address your dog’s biting habits early on and prevent them from happening in the first place.

The best way to do this is by correcting your dog’s behavior. If you are training your dog to be respectful of other dogs, you will need to make sure that he is well-trained around other dogs. 

If you think you can’t address their behavior it’s better to consult a vet on time rather than waiting for an unpleasant scene to occur.

When dogs bite each others’ ears?

The situations differ in which a dog would be biting another dog’s ear. They may be doing it just out of affection, out of excitement, or out of any other emotion like fear or aggression.

What if some wounds are caused by ear biting in dogs?

It is best to avoid touching or handling the bite wound in order to prevent further damage. For serious cases, you may want to seek medical attention. If you suspect that your pet has been bitten in the ear, you should take it to a veterinarian as soon as possible. An ear infection or nerve damage may be to blame. 

What If my dog is bitten by another dog?

At first, you need to be very careful regarding their socialization with other dogs, but if in any case, your dog has been bitten by another dog, seek veterinary care as soon as possible to treat the bite and prevent infection. 

Why do female dogs bite their puppies’ ears?

Yes, it is common to see dog moms biting their puppies’ ears, these reasons can be any: affection, dominance, protection, etc.


Why Do Dogs Bite Each Other’s Ears
A little dog tries to bite the older one

It’s important to know why do dogs bite each other ears and how to prevent these types of biting from happening in the future. In this article, you’ll learn about the common reasons behind ear bites in dogs and what to do about them. You’ll also learn about how to treat your dog’s injury caused by another dog’s bite.

You should remember that if your dog is not avoiding this behavior you should immediately consult with your vet. We hope you enjoyed reading this article!

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