Do Multiple Dogs Need Multiple Crates?

do multiple dogs need multiple crate

About the Author: Nettie Finley, the Professional Dog Trainer at MyPetDoggie. Specializing in behavior rehabilitation, Nettie leads our team with her effective training techniques. As a certified canine behaviorist, she brings transformative change to challenging behavior cases. Her experience and expertise elevate our content, providing practical, insightful training advice for our readers. Also, she loves her Cavapoo!

 According to me, everyone needs more than one furry friend in their life so they can be even more happy. Well, I am the same. I got another dog recently and then I realized that I have less space to accommodate the needs of both dogs.

So I started to look for alternatives and then a question popped up in my mind which was: can I put two dogs in one crate or do multiple dogs need multiple crates?  

So, I have done some research and found its answer so if you want to know the answer read the post completely. 

Do Multiple Dogs Need Multiple Crates?

Yes, multiple dogs need multiple crates. It is not recommended to put two dogs in the same crate as it will lead to multiple issues like anxiety, stress, and can also lead to fights between dogs if they are new to each other. It is better to get each dog his own crate and give him his personal space. 

Do Multiple Dogs Need Multiple C
Two dogs sitting in the crate

Separate Crates Vs. Shared Crates For Dogs

There is a choice that you want separate crates or shared crates for your dogs and it depends on different factors. It is very important for dogs of different temperaments to live in different crates. Also, other circumstances can be training goals and size, etc. 

Separate Crates:

  1. Individual space: with separate crates, each dog has its own personal space and it is important for dogs with different temperaments or if one dog needs a break from another one. 
  2. Training and Behavior: separate crates are useful for training purposes for example if one dog is being housebroken or working on specific behaviors then individual crates can prevent interference from other dogs. 
  3. Medical Issues: if one of the dogs is suffering from medical issues or is recovering from any surgery then separately the dog can receive necessary care and rest without any interference from other dogs.
  4. Safety: there are situations in which dogs do not get along with each other and are not happy which leads to conflicts you should have separate crates for them in any case. This way fights can be prevented and you can also ensure the safety of your dogs. 
  5. Travel: when you are traveling with multiple dogs separate crates for each dog can help with designated space during the transit. 

Shared Crates: 

  1. Bonding: some dogs have very close bonds with each other and they find comfort in sharing a crate. It can strengthen their bond even more and reduce anxiety when they are separated. 
  2. Space Saving: shared crates are more efficient and they can save space if you have a small living space.
  3. Cost-effective: purchasing multiple crates is expensive with one crate you can save on some bucks. 
  4. Supervision: when your dogs are created together it is easier to supervise their interactions and behaviors. It will be helpful in managing their behavior and in training them. 
  5. Socialization: if dogs get along well and they are enjoying each other’s company then sharing a crate can provide more opportunities for socializing and making friends. 

Ultimately the decision of a single or shared crate depends on your dog’s needs and dynamics. It is important that you monitor their behavior and then adapt things as necessary. If you are choosing to use a shared crate then some important things that you should note are that the size of the crate is appropriate and dogs are safe and comfortable in there. 

Why Would You Consider Crate Training With Two Crates?

The double crate setup can be useful and is beneficial for different reasons especially if you have two dogs or puppies.

Why Would You Consider Crate Tra
Dog sleeping on his soft bone cushion

There are some situations in which two crates are useful:

  1. Individual space: every dog has its own designated space so you have to make sure that they are comfortable and safe so they can rest and relax without aunty other dogs presence. A crate is used when dogs have different temperaments, training modes, and behavior. 
  2. Training purposes: if your aim is to work on housebreaking, obedience training, or behavior modification with none or both dogs then having separate crates will allow you to focus on one dog at a time without any distractions or interference from the other one. It will also prevent fights over food or toys. 
  3. Preventing conflicts: sometimes two dogs are not happy together and they don’t get along well. Sometimes they have past conflicts if you use a separate crate it can be better. 
  4. Health and recovery: if a dog is recovering from illness, surgery, or trauma then he should get essential care and love in a separate crate so they can get enough rest without getting bothered. 
  5. Travel: when you are traveling with two dogs we recommend separate crates as it provides comfortable space during transits. It can reduce stress and help make travel easy and comfortable. 
  6. Behavioral Issues: if any dog has specific issues in behavior and needs management then keeping him in a separate crate can help and he will be in a controlled environment which will be effective for addressing those issues. 
  7. Comfort: there are some dogs that prefer having their own space to retreat to when they are looking for a break and alone time. It will reduce stress and anxiety when dogs value personal space. 
  8. Resolving resource guarding: if one dog has resource guarding behavior then separate crates can be helpful as this issue can be addressed and can prevent conflicts over resources. 

Sarah Crothers, a professional dog trainer who has almost 20 years experience, says that; dogs can share a crate but it is not usually recommended unless it is for the benefit of both dogs. If you opt to crate your dogs together you must ensure that the crate is large enough and both dogs can enjoy being in the crate together. 

Overall, a setup with two crates can provide flexibility and safety when you have multiple dogs with their personal needs. It allows addressing those needs individually while maintaining a structured and organized environment. Most importantly crate training requires patience and consistency.   

How Dogs Handle Having Two Crates?

Dogs can handle two crates quite well but only when a double crate setup is introduced in a positive manner and appropriately.

How Dogs Handle Having Two Crate
Dog lying down on his fluffy mattress

Generally, dogs handle double crate setups like this: 

  1. Adaptability: dogs can easily adjust in a double crate setup; they are adaptable animals. They learn quickly that each crate is their own space and they appreciate having a designated area for themselves. 
  2. Individual Space: usually dogs benefit from their own space and having two crates makes sure that each dog has its own place and they can feel safe and secure there without any other dog there. It will help in reducing stress and anxiety. 
  3. Training and Behavior: if you are using two crates for training purposes typically they respond well to the structure it will provide. They will learn that each crate is linked to activities and routines specifically meal time and training sessions. 
  4. Reducing conflicts: in a house with multiple dogs separate crates can save you from a lot of conflicts and competition for resources like food, toys, treats, and resting spots. It will provide a clear boundary and also personal space for each dog. 
  5. Recovery and medical needs: dogs will recover from surgery and other medical needs better in a separate crate as it makes sure that they get enough rest without any interference. 
  6. Travel: when you are traveling with two dogs separate crates are beneficial as they provide enough space. 
  7. Comfort and privacy: some dogs like their own individual space when they are retreating by spending some time alone. Having two crates can fulfill this need and reduce their stress and anxiety. 

It is important that you should introduce the crates slowly and see how comfortable they are. Avoid using crates as punishment and make sure they are sized appropriately and are well ventilated and safe. 

Will Crate Training With Two Crates Take Longer?

Crate training with two crates does not necessarily take longer than crate training with a single crate. The time usually depends on different factors which include individual personalities, temperaments, previous experiences, and consistency and training methods. 

Will Crate Training With Two Cra
The dog is sitting in his crate peacefully

 Some factors to consider are: 

  1. Dogs personality: some dogs will adapt to crate training more quickly than others. Sometimes one dog is anxious and the other one is not so the one with anxiety can make things a bit slower and they will take time to get comfortable with the crate whether it is a single crate or part of a double crate setup. 
  2. Consistency: I always say that everything regarding dogs needs consistency whether you have one crate or two crates. If you follow a consistent routine or positive reinforcement then gradually increasing the time which dog is spending in the crate will help them to adjust quickly. 
  3. Training goals: if you have specific goals for training each dog then the time to achieve these goals can vary. Separate crates can be beneficial for individual training but it is not necessary that it will take longer.
  4. Previous Experiences: if experience regarding crates in the past has been negative then it might take more time to build positive associations with crates no matter what setup it is. 
  5. Professional Guidance: if you are facing any difficulties or challenges during crate training then seeking guidance from a professional trainer can help you address any issues and will speed up the training process. 

In summary, I will say that crate training with two crates can offer you long-term benefits in terms of individual space and tailored training. The overall time in crate training will depend on various factors including the personality of your dog and training methods there can be any specific goals and challenges that you are addressing. Their path to successful crate training is patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement.

Risks Of Placing Dog Crates Next To Each Other

 Placing dog crates next to each other can have many advantages and disadvantages. It is important to stay aware of these risks and take steps to ensure the safety and well-being of your dog. 

Risks Of Placing Dog Crates Next
A Dog owner tries to feed his dog in the crate

Stress and Aggression: 

If you place crates next to each other then sometimes it can lead to stress and aggression. If the dogs do not get along well or are feeling scared of each other’s presence then you have to keep them away from each other. otherwise, it can lead to vocalization, growling, or attempts to fight through crate bars. 

Resource Guarding:

If crates are placed next to each other, dogs in the neighboring crate can exhibit resource-guarding behavior like growling, barking, or snapping if they think that a nearby dog is a threat to their possession like food or toys. 

Noise and Barking:

Dogs are very social and they can react to each other’s presence in different ways like barking, whining, or making some other kind of noise. It can be problematic if a dog is anxious or reactive it can lead to increased stress levels for the dog. 

Stress and Anxiety:

When a dog is placed in close proximity to another dog he can experience stress or anxiety particularly if they are not socialized properly you can also consider their history of negative interactions. 

Health Concerns:

If one of the dogs is sick or contagious then placing crates next to each other can increase the risk of illness to other dogs. Also, you have to have proper hygiene and take quarantine measures in these cases. 

Escalation of Aggressive Behavior:

If you know that two dogs have conflicts with each other then placing their crates next to each other should be avoided as it can escalate aggressive behaviors which makes it challenging for you and them both.

Lack of Privacy:

Naturally, dogs need some privacy and personal space. When they are in close proximity to another dog at all times it means they are not getting any personal space. 

Training Interference:

When you are using a crate, placing them next to each other can be distracting. Dogs become more focused on each other than on training sessions.

Difficulty in Observing Individual Dogs:

If you are trying to observe a dog specifically then placing crates side by side can make it challenging for you as their interactions may be obscured. 

To reduce these risks it is very important to: 

  • Evaluate personality, history, and compatibility before placing them close to each other. 
  • Introduce the double crate setup gradually and make sure that they are comfortable. 
  • Give them rewards and provide them positive reinforcement if they stay calm in the crate.
  • When they are close, supervise them and see if there are signs of stress, aggression, or resource guarding.
  • You can use barriers and covers between crates to provide visual separation. 
  • Make sure every dog has private time outside the crate so he can reduce stress.
  • You can consult with a professional dog trainer for more guidance. 

Ultimately if you are choosing to place crates next to each other then it should depend on specific personalities, and needs and also involve the potential risks. Your top priority should be the safety, comfort, and well-being of your dog. 

Alternatives To Placing Dog Crates Next To Each Other

 There are different alternatives to placing dog crates next to each other and there are options that can help create a comfortable and secure place for your dogs.

Alternatives To Placing Dog Crat
A dog lying in his crate and enjoying the sun rays

Let’s have a look at other options:

Separate Rooms:

You can allocate different rooms for each dog. It will provide complete physical separation and privacy for each dog, you can reduce the chances of conflicts and stress.

Physical Barriers:

You can use physical barriers like baby gates, pet gates, or exercise pens within a room or designated area. It allows your dogs to be in the same space but it will prevent direct interactions when necessary.

Different Floors:

If there are multiple floors in your home then place each dog’s crate on a different floor. It will provide a significant level of separation, minimizing contact and potential conflicts.


You can implement a time-sharing schedule where the dog has access to shared spaces including crate areas at different times. It will ensure that they can enjoy space without any direct interaction.

Crate in Quiet Area:

You can put one crate in a low-traffic area and another one in a high-traffic area this arrangement will help in reducing the noise.

Outdoor Space:

If you have a secure outdoor area then you can consider using outdoor kennels or designated space for each dog during specific times of day. The outdoor space can provide fresh air and room for more exercise. 

Use Visual Barriers:

You can create visual barriers between crates and designated areas by using curtains, room dividers, or any other furniture. By this method visual stimulation will also be reduced and conflicts etc. are also going to be reduced. 

When you are choosing alternative options you have to consider their personalities, relationships, and specific needs. Your goal is to ensure their comfort and safety while minimizing stress and conflicts. You have to be flexible and open to adjusting the setup as per needs. 


In the end, after gathering all the information I can say that putting dogs in the same crate is not recommended at all so yes multiple dogs need multiple crates.

It is important for their comfort, security, and well-being. Putting them in the same crate can lead to issues like anxiety, stress, and aggression.

But in the end, it totally depends on your personal choice and your dog’s temperament or behavior. I hope that you have got enough information to decide whether you can put dogs in the same crate or not and do multiple dogs need multiple crates is answered.

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